Sunday, January 18, 2009

day 9

when we were in high school, molly quit smoking. she quit smoking for 500 and something days. and if you asked her how many days it had been at any point in her adventure, she would give you an accurate count.

quitting smoking is hard. but it is also kind of fun, when it isn't beating you over the head with angst.

when you move to another state, you get to be whoever you want to be. for some, this could be something as simple as learning to say no to people. like this: no, i will not help you paint your garage. what? why aren't you murdering me? it's a simple exercise in testing your own boundaries and learning that you will not die if you betray your own shitty habits.

so, with patch on arm, i joined a gym. since i have been smoking for 22 years and i just got over the flu and we are in some high altitude, i struggle. but i am not struggling because i smoked a cigarette 4 minutes ago and i know this, so therefor i am strong and shameless. i will walk on my treadmill whilst Miss Tan and Skinny runs her 5 miles a day right next to me and i don't care. for her, it is easy. for me, it is hard. and that makes me tougher than her in some ways. so there.

yesterday, We walked around Sloans Lake. this was a big "We". 6 adults, a three year old, a 4 month old, and 2 (very special and cute) dogs. This is what you do on a Saturday morning when you live in Denver. Then you go to brunch and maybe there is a Bloody Mary bar but that is a totally besides the point. you walked 3 miles with your loved ones. nice.

The reinventing is the fun part. The giving of the finger to my past. The promise of a stronger me. It's not too shabby, really.

Friday, January 9, 2009

i am quitting smoking tomorrow

you would think that, since i am so effing wordy, i would have a lot to say about this. not really, though. i just have the flu and i want to be nice to my body.

feel free to desert the reading of my blog for this one. as sticky put it, "this guy wins the internet".

Sunday, January 4, 2009

"booze, a zamboni, and a railing"

"THINGS REBECCA NEEDS WITHIN REACH TO BE ABLE TO SKATE ON ICE?!!??!!?!" yes! you are the winner of my personal $25,000 pyramid.

Today is Noelle's birthday so we had a weekend of events. most were centered around food but one was centered around ice skating on Evergreen Lake. I can ice skate. i have a long history of it. we used to go to Raydine's in Corte Madera. then, as an adult, i'd to to yerba buena skating rink. i would go fast, i would go backwards, and i would stop suddenly, kicking up ice In Yer Face, thank you very much. AND, Neil had never skated before so, yeah, he can show me how to install wood floors and i would kick his ass at, i mean...teach him how skate.

i am a fool of ginormous magnitude.

standing in ice skates on a lake is hard. moving whilst in those skates on a lake is virtually impossible. It is extra bumpy and slippery at the same time and i am way less bouncy than when i was younger and/or drunker. and we were with Buffalo folks....folks who wish they were in the NHL, folks who have been skating for as long as they have been walking. and i told them i knew how to skate fairly well. now they would think i am a liar except Shane, bless his solid memory, remembered that we had skated together once like 10 years ago and he *thought* i was pretty good back then. thank GOD! And Neil....he struggled, but by the end of our outing i had managed to just scramble around the lake twice. he went for round three and he had totally surpassed my lake skating skills by the end. and just to put these skills into perspective, here is some video evidence of some awesomeness:

It was fun, though. The whole weekend was fun, actually. Noelle and i start going to the gym tomorrow, which is appropriate because my entire body is sore from the sheer will involved with just not falling for two lake laps. Baby Camille is acting like a tooth might be appearing. The holidays are over and the men are already bitching about work (whilst being thankful to even have jobs). and greta has totally mastered her ABC's. it's a quiet music video, but a good music video, nonetheless. I am the scratcher and Neee-oh (how greta says Neil) is the videographer:

J, Noelle, Tiana, Camille and a lot of clothing, Me, Greta, Neil, and Shane. Good times.