Sunday, May 3, 2009

it's spring, bitches!

I think i wrote about Spring before but i was lying back then. sorry about that. before i was using the calendar to make my determination. now i have actual evidence in my yard. being the detective that i am, you would think that i would have relied upon the evidence at the get go. i must have been having an off day.

we have a huge bush that we have been told is lilac. mom loved lilacs. they reminded her of new jersey. lilacs don't really grow in the bay area. but they are sold at your local flower shops right around mother's day, so i used to always get her a big sprig that would make the house smell way better than what puppies would make it smell.
We planted Tomato Alley today. i am supposed to wait until after mother's day to plant but i have never been famous for my patience. Mom's lilacs are my tomatoes. i absolutely hated that i couldn't grow tomatoes in SF.....especially after all of my fond memories of stripping my mom's tomato plants bare as a child. i'd sneak outside and gorge myself on them.

Neil built bamboo tipis to support my five little friends. they are Big Beef, Celebrity, Super Fantastic, Cherokee Purple, and Mortgage Lifter.

I am truly obsessed with my garden. i have been reading up on companion planting. tomatoes love to be planted with basil. that makes enough sense. it's like they understand that they are fated to end up in my mouth together anyways, so they just accept it....appreciate it, even. but strawberries and thyme? that is what they say so i am giving it a try. (in my garden. not in my mouth)

and my seeds are doing really well, too. upon reading this here blog, neil took his plant favoritism to a grand new level. not only was he saying hi to the basil, he took to swearing at the marigolds. "hey basil! fuck you, marigolds!". that's my husband. i am happy to announce that neil had zero impact on the marigolds.
and the beloved basil:
my scallion forest:
in all, we have planted two lettuces, beets, strawberries, thyme, 4 kinds of peppers (orange and purple bell, ancho, and jalapeno), tomatoes, tarragon, basil, oregano, thyme, cilantro, eggplant, rosemary, squash, radishes, scallions, swiss chard, lemon cucumbers (another childhood fave), brussels sprouts, carrots, peas, and watermelons. dill and mint in containers, catnip, and various veggie garden loving flowers. i likey. expect more updates. pics. ramblings. insanity.

have you met Jules? He's the OG. Got him when i lived in Seattle approximately 13 years ago. He is named after Samuel L Jackson's character in Pulp Fiction because the movie came out the same week that i got him. anyways, he is old. He sits on the deck in the sun all day. he torments moose and he is very handsome. he follows me around the yard and likes to chill in my garden with me, as well. smart kitkat, that Jules.
Miss Neil's mug? here you go:
i think he is prying open an electrical box with some kind of metal implement.

and the dogs are just happy to have their lawn back.
the green is beautiful. you appreciate it so much more when it goes away for a few months. looks like we've got nothing but the 70's coming up. niiiiiiiice.

feel free to subit name suggestions for the tomato plants in the comments section. if you don't offer me better suggestions, they will all be named after characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. i am totally not kidding.