Okay. We moved. We moved to Denver after....get this...2 years (?!) of planning to do such a thing. I know we have been in the actual town for almost 2 months but as of 4 pm last night, not only are we in the actual town, but we are here in the house that we own *with* all of our belongings, as well.
After having our stuff stored by PODS for 3 months, we were beyond ecstatic to see the PodZilla show up yesterday for the drop off. If you ever get the chance to watch a PODS pick up or drop off, pull up a chair and get ready for some deluxe entertainment. It's science people, and it's awesome. Anyways, about forks: At the time, back in SF, it seemed like a good idea to store all of our silverware but 2 sets. We are two people who only use one fork at a time, each. Why would we need more than 2? because we are dumb, is why. 2 forks? who does that? What if you lose one? What if one gets all crusted with egg and needs to soak but you forgot and now it is dinner? Then Neil gets to eat spaghetti with a spoon, is what. awesome.
So i was all ready to open the POD and get all functional with forks and our dining room table and our Cuisinarte (thanks, Bhores!). Clothes! My Kerastase hair conditioner! Our bed! So many things! But dig this: I knew I was home when i saw Neil unload this beautiful Asian chest of Carole Kramer's, that Corina was unbelievably kind enough to put under my care. Then i saw the plant stand of Mom's that I wrestled with the thought of making room for. I decided that it wasn't a high priority item. I was wrong and Neil knew it and there it was! This really is our home! ugh, as if i don't cry enough already. thanks, neil. no seriously, thank you with all of my heart. you are sneaky in the best way i know.
We are tired. We are about half way done unpacking. The dogs have no idea what could possibly be happening *this time*. Remember, we first put everything into storage and moved into the basement (now a beautiful man cave) in SF. Then we drove for 2 days and moved into the oven, i mean Rental. Then we moved here and Then our stuff showed up a few days later.
Moose never knew Stella but he's digging her blanket crocheting compulsion. And he's color blind, which helps. i mean, Thank G-ma for all the blankies! Pink and gray is my favorite!

click on this and look at that Teeny Tilders Tongue poking out. How tired does a person need to be to ...wait....she's a dog. but still! she's tired! and way cuter than any human when she sleeps.

Can we go outside?

and the pups.

once we unpack, i'll share pics of the inside. There are some grand painting plans for this week that may or may not involve an incredibly dramatic chocolate colored wall AND a red fireplace (but not on the chocolate wall! heavens no!). oh i know...it's all too exciting for one blog post. spread it out! leave 'em hangin'! oh geeze. i need a nap. and if that nap could last 12 hours, that would be pretty rad.
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