Our little Moose (all 65 pounds of him) is growing up! Today he had his first swimming lesson. (yes, there is water in Denver. in fact, it's right smack dab in the middle of town and it only carries a slight risk of infecting everyone with e-coli.) Matilda is a stellar swimmer. She is confident and driven to fetch long after her body has worn itself out. Moose is confident in chasing smaller unfamiliar animals, like this guy we came upon:

Birdy bailed before Moose could get to him. In fact, Birdy bailed right into the water. Moose followed. And that was the beginning AND end of Moose's swimming lesson!
He was hesitant to go back in. He let Matilda do all the work.

"Thanks! I was looking for that!"

"no seriously. can i have that ball?"

Eventually, he was ready to fetch for himself. He's part retriever. i know this because i am the raddest detective ever and i notice things. Here, i notice that he is looking not at me, like matilda, but rather out where the ball (or murdered duck, if that is your thing) would fall.

OH CRAP! this is why we had him on a 30 foot lead for his first river adventure:

He made it. Barely.

Looking to Neil for sympathy:

When that didn't work, he came to me. i caved and provided scritchies. Scritchies are a nice non-noncommittal alternative to actually petting your dog when they are swimming in e-coli tea.

Matilda would like to remind you that she is a stunning creature of exceptional intelligence.

Moose would like to show you how his lip gets stuck in his tooth sometimes. Neil doesn't think this is related to Moose's level of intelligence but i am not so sure.

i also detectivised Moose's houndy status after watching countless minutes of this. if we don't distract him, long strings of drool form at either side of his mouth. He's sniffin' it up, pro style.

Shoulda brought a towel....

and a double shake!

In all, a really great time. stinky, but great. oh, and this little adventure spot is only 6, yes 6, minutes away from our house. i know because i mapquested it. i have proof, you sceptics. denver continues to prove its radness....except for the e-coli thing. wash your hands, people.
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