Dudes. Hockey games are fun. Or maybe it is just that anything is fun when you get enough guys from Buffalo together. It's a strange phenomena that leaves my throat scratchy and my stomach sore from all of the laughing. and after the adventures of gertie, lord knows i could use some laughter.
it was also a very educational weekend. did you know that there are lizard people that enslave and/or eat humans in a 6 story bunker under Denver International Airport? it has something to do with the Mayan Calendar ending in 2012. Denver will become the new US capital and/or New World Capital. Also, the murals in DIA predict a very grim future, and it is all proved true by a part of the mural that depicts the twin towers burning. And this may or may not have something to do with the number 23 and/or the freemasons.
What i find most interesting about the above paragraph is that, with the exception of the lizard people thing and the predictive murals, i could pretty much buy the rest of it. and as much as i recognize the fact that upon reading this, one might decide i am a crazy person, i am not willing to rule out the possibilities of such planning and scheming and building. weirder things have happened. and if you don't believe me, please explain how W ended up being the American President for 2 full terms.
and while i am at it....i also believe in the possibility of bigfoot. if we overlooked 100,000 gorillas in africa for this long, then who is to say that there isn't some kind of North American gorilla that we haven't stumbled across yet? and seriously, if you were bigfoot, wouldn't you do your best to go undetected by humans? have you seen E.T.? Scientists bad!
i am just saying.
we went to an Obama rally but couldn't see a thing....well, except for the other 100,000 people there. To be in a sea of Obama supporters is a powerful thing. It felt good. i think it is that whole "hope" thing. it works for me.
here is something i am not feeling terribly hopeful about: Gertie, who is as high as a kite, wearing an e-collar, and essentially just broken, snuck out of her recovery room the other day. i am the presumabely smarter human who has nothing on her mind other than not letting gertie out and yet she still wins. she actually made it through 2 rooms before i caught her, too. she can hobble incredibly fast. i have no idea how we are going to be able to keep her inside. no idea.
maybe i need to hire some lizard people to work as gertie guards. i have not yet met a human slave who has escaped the DIA bunker. Those lizard people must be much better at this than i am. help.