for instance! gertie's meds were pre-dosed. i had a weeks worth of syringes filled with the perfect dose of her morphine. i noticed yesterday that the remaining ones were looking less full. maybe it's some kind of denver desert no moisture air evaporation thing. so today, Gertie was awake. AWAKE all day. i went to pet her and she had some kind of reaction that i can only describe as very seizure looking-ish. what's worse is that it probably wasn't a seizure. it was more likey just a very acute pain reaction. ugh. poor kittykat. so tomorrow morning we go off for a check up and more feline morphine. her range of motion in her back end hasn't improved. but she *is* managing quite well. except for when i pet her and she goes into a fit of all-encompassing pain. um, sorry?
Moose seems to be living in some alternate universe where nothing can go wrong and doormats are dog toys. god love him.
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