- Neil.
- Having so many pets that if one or some of them are being terribly annoying and/or ill-behaved, there is always another animal around who is being lovely. Most of the time, this weight falls on the guinea pigs. If they would stop going to the bathroom and if I wasn’t allergic to them, they would be Perfect.
- That Gertie came home after being attacked by a wild (or just very bad) animal. Wait, rewind. That Gertie lived through the attack and then came home with all of her broken parts and that there is such good veterinary care around here that sewed her back up.
- The radio show “wait wait don’t tell me” of which I can now listen to at my leisure via podcast. It makes me feel smart while I laugh. This is a stellar combo that I highly recommend.
- The Daily Show for the same reasons just mentioned.
- The television show “Life”. It’s just good AND it has a red head in the lead. In general, I am a huge fan of police dramas (special T-Day shout out to Benson and Stabler) but there is something refreshingly new about Life. Check it out if you haven’t already.
- Facebook and blogspot for allowing the world to keep in touch in such a passive fashion.
- The Arcade Fire. good band.
- Sarah Palin for motivating all those fence sitters to vote against her. Wait, that wasn’t on purpose? But she was SO good at it!
- Our neighbor for bringing over fresh tarragon from her garden. How did I go that long without knowing how yummy fresh tarragon is?
- Satsuma oranges for always being easy to peel, seedless, and as sweet as can be. You rule over all other orangey citruses. Really, the only thing that keeps Cuties at the top is their little stickers. I mean, would Finney get all excited if I put a sticker on her that said “satsuma”? no. so all the moms buy cuties. I get it. I just don’t like it.
- Teenage vampire crap and yes I did already go and see the Twilight movie and I liked it, too. (Edward should have been more sparkly, though. darn you low budget!)
- Wind chimes. I need to get some of those.
- My camelback water bottle. Crap, it is dry here. Might as well mention shea butter while I am on this particular topic. and my humidifier. and how when i get olive oil on my hands when i cook now, i don't wash it off. precious moisture.....you will not be wasted.
- Potted plants, red paint, coffee, emergen-c, the furminator (it works), scarves, and Neil again. He’s worth a double mention.
Oh yeah and friends and family and my health and all the other stuff people say when they won’t bother to REALLY think about what it is they are thankful for. You hear that Family? I may be in the thankful circle via ichat, but IT'S ON….(blame Anna, it was her idea to get all technologically savvy).
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