Our first award is titled "The card i received with the best landscape". There are so many different kinds of holiday cards, you know!
and the winner is......Modamas Fine Painting! Modamas Fine Painting painted our house in SF, so it was all pretty for selling. In all of the years i lived in California, my favorite apartment was right around the corner from where this pic was taken.
This leads me to our second award called "the card that made me the most homesick"
and the winner is.......
Modamas Fine Painting again! Wow! they are really starting strong!
Next is a very special award...."the card where my name was most accurately portrayed AND spelled". This is a tough one...i didn't change my name when i got married, i don't like certain nicknames, and my last name can be a doozy to spell. and the winner is?......
Modames Fine Painting Again! The got my name %100 perfectly!
And our final award. The most coveted award of all. It is the "this card is so special that it almost makes me forget about ALL of the other cards i received".
The Winner is.....
whatever. have you figured it out yet? we didn't get one single holiday card from anyone i ever met in california, including my family. not one card from a friend. none. wait.....except modama's fine painting.
maybe the day after christmas our mailbox will be overflowing with cards declaring happy holiday wishes from people that love and miss us and wish we never left California. If that is the case, those cards will be eligible for next year's awards. Hopefully there will be more categories next year.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
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