one of the many reasons we love denver is the sun. some say it is sunny 300 days a year here. some also say it was foggy 300 days a year at our last home. that crap takes a toll, you know.
one of the many reasons our dogs love us is that we keep our tomatoes in the fruit basket. this makes them easily accessible for snacking in our absence. seriously, i need to hide tomatoes from Moose these days.
Spring in SF was literally just a couple of warm days. the whole "season" was lumped into daylight savings and single people feeling a bit frisky for a bit. here, it is approximately 1/4 of the year, which makes sense since there are approximately 4 seasons and such. duh.
So, a love of tomatoes combined with abundant sunshine clearly calls for something pretty specific....a fenced in veg garden. (i say "veg" because
Jamie Oliver says "veg". now i am awesome.)

see how there is a seam? Previous owners had implanted some kind of Only Child Amusement Device....a huge structure on a bed of tan bark, with a huge curb to delineate the "child" area from the "adult" space. weird.
first we got to building raised beds. some of the beds will be constructed of wood.

this week, i will be getting rocks delivered to build more raised beds. it is hard for me....rectangle plots of land on rectangle blocks of land. so many 9o degree angles. i am hoping my rock plan will counter that a bit.
but don't forget who we live with. tomato stealing low fence jumpers. so we do more. neil creates an outdoor workshop:

and fences are built.

i help:

but that shit is loud so sometimes i need to close my eyes and wince.

and the cool thing is that we still have the bulk of the yard, plus the side yard to play fetch with the dogs in.

i am still not smoking and am still exercising. i have lost a few pounds, but mostly it is inches i have lost and muscle i am gaining. i have set a goal that i am afraid to call a goal. it is more of a "if i ever do this i will be awesome" reference point. i would like to be able to jog round Sloan's Lake without stopping. It is only like 2 or 3 miles, so it should be able to happen soon-ish. Unfortunately, i forgot that Moose hasn't been going to the gym with me. Our little jog/walk around the lake kind of kicked his butt today. at least he was tired enough that i was finally able to really catch his toe-fro on camera. people think his paws are big but it is all fur.

so this week i build my rock beds and Neil will build the gate next weekend. we can't plant warm weather stuff until mother's day but we might be able to sneak some carrots, lettuce, radishes, and beets in there a bit earlier. if you don't like beets, roast them. roast them and realize how wrong you were about beets and then send me a check for $20 for saving your liver. you will not find a cheaper liver anywhere else, i promise.
happy spring, mofos!
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