"I been here for years
Rockin my peers and puttin suckas in fear
Makin the tears rain down like a MON-soon
Listen to the bass go BOOM
Explosion, overpowerin
Over the competition, I'm towerin
Wreckin shop, when I drop these lyrics that'll make you call the cops
Don't you dare stare, you betta move
Don't ever compare
Me to the rest that'll all get sliced and diced
Competition's payin the price"
Biggest surprise so far has been the swiss chard. you may remember that i overwatered it. and then mother nature pissed all over it for weeks. well lookey here!:Rockin my peers and puttin suckas in fear
Makin the tears rain down like a MON-soon
Listen to the bass go BOOM
Explosion, overpowerin
Over the competition, I'm towerin
Wreckin shop, when I drop these lyrics that'll make you call the cops
Don't you dare stare, you betta move
Don't ever compare
Me to the rest that'll all get sliced and diced
Competition's payin the price"
This is what my garden would be saying to you if my garden rapped. Also, that one line would probably be "when i drop the tomatoes that'll make you call the cops", since a garden doesn't really have lyrics or anything. i mean, duh!
we are not out of the woods yet. but we have been getting some actual sunshine and actual heat. we are getting the afternoon thunderstorms on a daily basis too (thank god cos the swamp cooler is being fritzy and mama needs a cool down here and there) but we haven't had hail in a few days now and the plants are thrilled at the break.
we are not out of the woods yet. but we have been getting some actual sunshine and actual heat. we are getting the afternoon thunderstorms on a daily basis too (thank god cos the swamp cooler is being fritzy and mama needs a cool down here and there) but we haven't had hail in a few days now and the plants are thrilled at the break.
This may look like a lot of peas, but i can eat a day's harvest before i even make it out of the garden. in fact, Neil accuses me of "eating all of the peas" every day when he gets home. it goes like this..."hey babe. how was your day? did you eat all of the peas?" just because i CAN eat of the peas, does not mean i actually DO eat all of the peas. sheesh, husband.
here is our first Lemon Cucumber flower. I was about to give up all cucumber hope entirely. Me of little faith.
We harvested a couple of yellow squash for dinner the other night. 2 down, 974 to go. and we also have a zucchini growing as well. i will rethink this next year, after i have enough gardening confidence to not have to rely on the easy squashy stuff.
Here are our recovering sunflowers, lettuce, and strawberry patch. i know it looks as though we are insanely patriotic and funloving, but the pinwheels are to scare birds away from the lettuce and strawberries. unfortunately, nothing scares squirrels. More on this later.
I noticed something pretty interesting today. I purchased my 5 tomato plants in two different sizes....and two different prices. The larger plants were quite a few bucks more than the littles, but it seems to be evening out quite a bit now. Here is a cheapyteensy Mortgage Lifter, a cheapyteensy Cherokee Purple, and a priceybigsy Big Beef.
So Moose. I love this dog. Like it hurts me sometimes. How can any animal be this sweet? Kids sense it in him. Last week we went to a kickball birthday party for adults. There were kids there, too. and Moose. Two little girls were fighting over who could hold what part of Moose's leash and who Moose liked more. um, excuse me girls. he likes me the most and i think i'll hold the leash, thank you very much. um, anyways....you get my point. he's just too nice, that Moose. He clearly did not learn that from us.
Look closer....
okay, i will look closer for you....
I thought this thing was going to jump on my face like something from the movie Alien. Moose just thought he was nice to look at. Moose didn't even get up into a sitting position. He lied there while the squirrel chirped "i'll eat your eyeballs, bith!" at me. seriously. Needless to say, the squirrels have made it so that we have not been able to eat any of the strawberries that have ripened. i see them get pink, and then they are gone. or half eaten. those are my favorites...the half eaten ones. thanks for mocking me, king of all rodents. now get off of my house. or maybe i'll just go back inside for a while....
It looks so good!
Did you decide you don't like squash much? Zucchini?
Have you tried this recipe?
or this one?
your posts always make me hungry!
hey Rossie, i will definitely try both of those recipes. i looooove smitten kitchen.
in general, i am good at sneaking squash into meals that don't showcase squash. i need to perfect my showcasing, i think. Thanks for the recipes :)
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