i am total crankypants today. i may be getting sick. i am definitely getting older. getting a job has proven to be a much harder and longer process than i had anticipated. and i am pretty sure that Americans are losing their minds. not all of them....just the ones who bring assault rifles to health care rallies and the "
birthers" (same people? i say yes). my god what a hilarious term "birther" is! because really, even besides the conspiracy theory, what group of people is more obsessed with everyone else's birth? it's all the same people, folks! it would be hilarious if it wasn't so terrrifying.
Whilst watching The Daily Show last night, Neil and I had our 512th conversation about how republicans are liars and democrats are pussies and my god isn't the whole thing just so boring and depressing at this point? oh and don't forget the terrifying. and the funny on comedy central between the hours of 11pm and midnight (one hour earlier for Central time!)
anyways so yeah i am cranky. and since i can't watch The Colbert Report 24 hours a day, i go back to my garden.
We are having an abnormally less than blazing couple of days here. a leaf fell from our beautiful black locust tree and i did declare out loud "no fall! i am not ready for you, yet!".
i have yet to taste my mortgage lifter, for one.

but also i am just not done having the place to tend. keeping the masses of basil from flowering could be a full time job in itself. the marigolds grow so crazy that they eclipse my chives, which is not okay. 3 of my five tomato plants have collapsed under the weight of themselves. since i can't possibly restake them, i just do what i can to keep the fruit off of the ground. the cucumbers need to be told where to go (up the sunflower stalks), and i am just the person to tell them that. in the land of cranktastitude, my garden really sets me straight.
there is no lying there. no bullying. no assault rifles (concealed or unconcealed). there is one conspiracy theory but it only involves squirrels and strawberries. and i have a job there which pays really really well.

go away Fall. I am just not ready for you yet.
1 comment:
Aren't gardens gifts of GOD! They only bring peace and sustainment! They dont scream at you, deny you joy or bribe your politicians.
I hope all the job stuff isnt too stressful. For what its worth, I completely understand! Just keep writing! You inspire me more than you know!
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