what will the floor plan be for the third floor when we pop the top on our house in 5000 years? (unresolved due to the fact that we are not architects. current plan is to pretend we are in a sitcom and try to befriend some architects for free advice). should we make french onion soup for dinner tonight? (simmering on stove as i type). can we do no presents but maybe lots of baking for christmas? (yes). do you think matilda will be pulling at the leash until her last breath? (probably and why so morbid?). why do i love living here so fucking much? (answered and unanswered over and over again).
this morning we took the pups for The Walk in quite a few inches of snow. first of all, they plow the path around the lake when it is below freezing on a sunday! likey! anyways...on our way home, i saw a guy shoveling his walk and i declared that i loved it. i loved seeing that guy doing exactly what we needed to do. we have something in common with him, just because we live here. no matter what, in Denver, on any day, i have something in common with every person i encounter....the totally unpredictable, constantly changing, and stunningly beautiful weather of Denver. we love it here. we know it is a very well kept secret. and we are nice to each other when we talk about it. also likey.
and that is really it. it's the nice. it's not the weather. every city and town is what it is. the question is how the people within the city manage themselves within it. people here are kind, thoughtful, and throw out a hefty "good morning" at the lake no matter how cold it is. in san francisco, i'd be lucky to even get a bit of eye contact on a sunny 72 day. and in mill valley, i always felt lucky if i didn't get run over in the whole foods parking lot. why do i love it here? i'll have more for you next sunday, right after i figure out what color to paint the guest room and why Firefly got canceled after only one season when it was just about the best tv ever. i have a lot on my plate.

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