i may have overdone it. see, i have been spending the last few months attempting to get my blood pressure under control. turns out the meds i had been on in SF weren't really working. also turns out Moose makes me crazy, which may or may not have an impact on my blood pressure. anyways! a month ago, i was put on 2 meds. they worked. they also caused an impressive rash. so i went to an allergist who declared i was not allergic to either of these meds. i believed him cos i saw how not rashy i became when they poked the meds under my skin. i continued on one of the meds and it *almost* kept me at a good bp level. except that it didn't. so my doctor added my second med back on and i went all rashy again PLUS dizziness this time. so no gym, no fun,no nothing for the last few days. i don't do well if i can't do all. i just don't.
and then there was easter! here is what we had to eat:
green salad
fruit salad
cream cheese danishes
cherry danishes
goat cheese and prosciutto strata
raspberry and lemon french toast strata
too. much. good. food.
there were 6 and a half of us. us, the jungs, mel and beth. mel had double plans so greta and i texted him after a while to see if he was going to come back and play with us. being three years old, she does not suffer from the "fat finger" iphone affliction the rest of us struggle with. she is an excellent texter.

we played "
Apples to Apples" which is in second place for fun (first place will always be catchphrase), but in first place for being incredibly enjoyable whilst not causing couples to contemplate divorce after playing.

Beth introduced this game to us. look how happy neil is to be spending easter with his sister.

now look at how happy neil is to be spending some time with the entire box of "apples to apples" cards i spilled on the ground:

Greta is a dancer. she is into it. sometimes she closes her eyes when she dances. i kind of feel like if she were stranded in the forest and could only communicate with the wildlife via dance, it would just be a matter of moments before mice would be bringing her crumbs to eat and butterflies would be braiding her hair.

moose thought he was a part of the show and bowed for us all

Greta will be getting a puppy soon. getting a 12 week old puppy is one thing. having a 75 pound two year old puppy want to cover you with kisses is another thing. G is learning how to say "NO" like a big girl and moose is FINALLY learning not to knock G over just because he loves her so much. jesus H, people. it's just exhausting. so this new level of vague disinterest mixed with slight amusement is a godsend. G wanted her picture with each pooper.

and with matilda:

she is going to absolutely love having a dog in her life, and i can't wait to meet their future pup. they will be getting a pup from a rescue,
unlike our President who has greatly greatly disappointed me by not adopting like he said he would.
and then it was time to eat again. seriously. we had an 8 hour day today.

easter may be the new thanksgiving. shocker, i know. but if 40 can be the new 30 then thanksgiving had better watch its back. i'm just saying,
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