If you like, i can tell you how 6000 pounds of rock feels, too. Whilst Neil was at work, i had the honor of moving most of this rock out of the alley and onto our property.
I built raised beds with some of the rock. They look pretty gray and benign now, but when they get wet you can see that they are actually quite colorful and assorted. This is why we needed to build a fence:
Then we had 10 yards of soil delivered. This is what 10 yards of soil looks like:
WTF winter? Seriously. WTF is up with you? We had a great spring in March and now we have fallen back into winter. Yesterday it thunder snowed. i didn't even know that thunder snow was an actual thing! I only hope that all of the little buds that were starting on my lilac bush hold on tight because i would really like to see them do their thing come mother's day.
And since mother nature is kicking my ass, i have taken to making the green happen indoors. Here are 25 Genovese Basil Sprouts and 25 French Marigold sprouts:
is that what it is going to be like when we have kids? "hello son!" *daugher waves frantically for Neil's attention. Neil ignores daughter* whatever dude. say hi to your daughter....i mean the marigolds. i think. whatever.
i have bell pepper seeds going. and i also have seeds starting for flowers. seeds are cheap! did you know that? when i think about all of the money i have spent at nurseries on plants, i kind of want to punch myself in the face.
here are my lobelia, mexican sunflower, tropical milkweed, and white swan echinacea seeds all sprouting about:
i am totally into it. like crazytown into it. i think that is what happens when you live somewhere that has real winters. you crave spring. you watch your little basils pop up and you greet them with love and you promise them out to your friends, knowing that you will be saving your friends a bit of cash as well and life is kinda good and stuffs. well, at least Neil does this. I actually greet the marigolds with love as well BUT THAT IS JUST ME.
Have you met Midge? She is the middle cat. sometimes i wonder if she feels neglected. Especially when i find her Hugging The Couch. Note to self: pet Midge every once in a while. She is the marigold of cats.
Oh my goodness! Poor Midge - super cute!!! She came out of the cave. I'm so proud of her. Can't wait to see your garden sans snow - next time!
Thank you for sharing your life with us. My heart aches sometimes when I think about how much Id love to be in Colorado:( But your there and my mom is there and I can come visit when Im no longer poor.
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