Wednesday, February 4, 2009


it has been brought to my attention that i have not updated this here blog for quite a while. one of the people doing such attention bringing is Neil, my husband, who lives here with me, and who is the primary receptacle for most of the words that come out of my mouth. he must really like my words.

there is a theory that my number of blog posts is directly proportionate to the number of cigarettes i am smoking, which is zero. well, now that is all effed up cos i am sitting here typing. not to worry, i am not about to go make up for the math and smoke.

i am not sure why i haven't posted. maybe it is just that i am so wrapped up in my physical state lately, and not my mental state. my mental state can be pretty shaky at times, so it is quite a relief to know that i have this ability.

People tend to gain weight when they quit smoking. it is not necessarily a "replace the cigarette with food" thing. it is really just that your metabolism slows down. according to some internets, you need to burn an extra 100 calories a day to not gain weight. oh that is nice, since i am heavier now than ever before. perfect timing.

so i have been going to the gym. a lot. yesterday neil wondered if maybe i was being a bit fanatical about it. but for me, once this whole basement remodel crap is done, i will either be pregnant or working or both. this is my only chance to get back on track. so i am in it to win it.
and i have lost 5 pounds since i quit smoking. take that, 100 calories a day!

So it's gym, house, pets, healthy eating, more pets, and then maybe some house stuff and probably a puke related pet issue. that is my life right now. not terribly blog worthy, i will admit. but i am having fun being the boss of my own self. don't expect me to post pics of my abs any time soon, though. i am not a crazy person.

1 comment:

MariNaomi said...

When I quit smoking, I started working out, since I wanted to start something that would punish me if I slipped up and cheated. Don't let the scales fool you--if you gain muscle you will definitely be gaining pounds. In fact, the fat takes a while to melt down. For me, the muscle built up much quicker than the fat burned down, but don't let that discourage you. It's a transitional thing.