Thursday, June 26, 2008
watch this:
we are under contract (or "in escrow", if you prefer) at 1475.
and also i got a library card today.
okay, all done!
Monday, June 23, 2008
who loves gay people?
I can't exactly explain my desperate need to go to whatever Pride parade i can get my hands on. or rather, i can. I remember my mom telling me The Secret that her great friend Ron was gay. I remember, at age 7, that there was something to hide about this man who i adored to no ends. to be honest, he was about the only father figure i had. this was way before anyone was "fabulous". it was a dirty dirty secret. It was before people started getting sick, when the secret became even dirtier. ron did get sick and he ran away when i was a teenager. but he came back for mom's memorial.....that's another story for another time.
i have no intention of preaching too much here. i just know that i love many straight people and i love many gay people. If there is a parade celebrating anyone that i love's equality, diversity, freedom, love and life, i'm there. it's not my fault that straight people are so unorganized that they can't even get an f-ing parade together.
It wasn't an SF Pride parade. It wasn't as flamboyant and it wasn't nearly as naked. we didn't see one single pair of nipples. But what we did see was a community figuring it out. Lots of democrats asking for votes. Lots of big companies announcing their acceptance (and admitting that gay money is just as good as straight money....hello Comcast). It was more political and less disco. it was lovely. and, as always, PFLAG made me bawl a teeny bit. as always, neil photoblogified for all of our enjoyment:

Saturday, June 21, 2008
I don't know which Gorman to thank for this.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Rest In Peace, Ollie

The Audience!:

Thursday, June 19, 2008
weather.con, is more like it
the last 7 days in denver have promised high 80's with thunderstorms in the afternoon. for six of those seven days, my little toolbar icon would say 93. i'd look outside and there wasn't a cloud to be seen. but if i went to weather.con, it still said a high of 80whatever and thunderstorms.
long story long: weather.con lies. it lies 10 days in advance and it lies on an hourly basis. now you know.
today, the blessed 7th day. highs in the 80s and thunderstorms. it may be perfection in a day. but it is not perfection in weather.con.
HOUSING UPDATE: (for those who read this for something besides a weather report). much has happened. but it is only relevant if something comes of it. you can pee in a toilet in a house you want and you can blogify about it for days, but only when you get the house do you actually Get The House. but here goes anyways......
we had some inspections done at the desired tinkle house (to be known as DTH going forward). First was a sewer line inspection. No go, folks. All of the beautiful trees have gone and rooted their way through the line. Lovely Sellers agreed to get the line derooted. Yay! Shouldn't take but an hour and really, no big deal.
The next morning we met the all around inspector, Jerry. Jerry looks like a midwest relative of Marky Mark, but not like Donny Whalberg. Go figure. We loved him. As we were there with Jerry, a bunch of men in reflective yellow vests showed up with a backhoe. Apparently the sewer line called for a bit more than a simple snaking. There was partial fence removal and sod overturning. There was a lot. Frankly, there was 11K worth of work to be done. And It Was Done. And it was a very very big deal.
Made me feel like a bit of an a-hole for wanting to complain about the sticky drawer in the built in.
Lovely Sellers are eager to sell. We are so eager to buy. Shanis *thinks* we might get 2 offers on SF house. Progress is happening, but again....none of it counts until it does. oh, and the all around inspection of DTH came up with very little. In fact, i think Neil was happy when things came up. He likes working on houses. weirdo.
Tomorrow we are going to see Shane's band play at Red Rocks.
They have this thing Friday nights where a band plays and then they show a movie. tomorrow's movie is Fight Club. Next week is Shaun of the Dead (see this movie if you haven't already done so!). It's an absolutely stunning venue so i think it should be quite fun. you know what would make it even better? Thunder storms. i'm just saying. and i am also saying that i will believe it when i see it, thank you very much.
Click on this and make it bigger. you can see the lightning in the bottom. this is what we watched from our back yard this evening:

this is just a really cool picture Neil took tonight:

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Thank You Kevin Garnett
I would go to bars to watch games, specifically if they were playing the Lakers (Boo!). Me, the only girl in the bar and more often than not, the only Kings fan in the bar. Me and my stupid obsession with character. Me and my heartstrings getting yanked all over the place by the most underdoggy of all teams ever. The Kings always put up a fight (sometimes literally), but the Lakers (more Boo!) would always prevail. Man, the Lakers seem like a cocky bunch.
The last thing Mom and I did together was watch the NBA All Star Game. Then Mom died. I lost track of the NBA and the Kings somehow lost track of themselves.
It's been hard for me to get back into watching basketball. Dig deep, psyche! Oh why would that be? But once i discovered that KG and the Celtics were going up against the Lakers, I was intrigued. Kevin Garnett has always been a favorite of mine. He's all heart (and smiles). He takes care of his teammates. He's overtly emotional. He's REALLY good at what he does. He gives a crap. If i had to pick one NBA player to be my neighbor, I am pretty sure I'd pick KG.
And then there's Kobe. Kobe got MVP this year. Kobe isn't much of a team player, though. Not neighbor material at all. In the end, Kobe did not get the ring. KG did.
The team that played best As A Team won the Finals, and they did it in the form of a 39 point lead. And it makes my girly little heart sing.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Nothin' Goin'
Saturday, June 14, 2008
As i have said a million times in the last month, the land of real estate is evil when you are dealing with desirable neighborhoods, especially in this market. you can do Everything right and get nothing from it. Or you can put a dump on the market and watch people outbid each other to the high 800's, only to tear the property apart and hope for a successful flip. None of this makes for a restful night in Albinolatown. Martentown is suspiciously peaceful, though. darn you, Martentown!
so the house! here's where i get so excited that my usual loose grasp on punctuation becomes even more slippery. It's your average Denver bungalow to start. (see "house i have my eye on" pic below). it's dripping with charm; front porch, built ins, old wood floors, beautiful trim and windows, etc. Then(!) there is the updated kitchen! it's got all the goods. They are not the goods i would buy if i were at The Goods Store, but they are enough that we could cook in there for years and be quite content. In all, the upstairs (we call it the "main floor" here in Denver. i'm a local now.) consists of living area, dining area, kitchen, full bath, 2 bedrooms. Seems like enough on its own right? Well get this! The basement is finished. This is another Denver thing. It's ALL about the finished basements. Bungalows are inherently small...about 1000 sq. feet. And denver can get a bit warm in the summer months. so the good folks here like to turn their basements into living space. Sometimes that just means "hello carpeted dungeon!", but in this house's case, it seems to be spelling out "what's up sanctuary?" it's got a family room, an office/nursery, and a master suite with a jetted tub....oh, and a fireplace! it's beautiful, refreshing, and your mind never wanders towards visions of shackles when you are in it. so in total, ,2000 sq. feet of living space.
The yard is kind of massive. it has trees for shade and sun for a vegetable garden. it has a place for a pond (this IS strawberry zoo 2.0!). it has a deck for hanging out on. it has plenty of running space for the dogs and lounging space for the cats. it is completely privacy fenced. it's the deal maker, really.
Then there is Alice, the neighbor. She was worried her Tibetan prayer flags would scare buyers away. It's like she's never even met someone from Mill Valley before! Gasp! She would totally be stopping the spray if she knew what it was. um, i don't actually know what it is either.
i have been moving my mind furniture in for days. as of this morning, neil has been retiling his mind upstairs bathroom with something carrying a more vintage appeal. and to top it off, we took Shane there for the first time today. After the tour, Tiana and i sat on the staged couches. Neil and Shane joined us and i think we just sat there and talked for at least a half an hour before we remembered that none of us actually live there. oh, and there is a hook in the ceiling in the exact spot i told Neil we should put a hook in the ceiling to hang the birdcage. WTF, mofos?
So, now is the time when i say, if it is meant to be, it will happen. that is how i pretend to be all well adjusted and stuff. Here's to another restless hot night in Denver! it's 8:18pm and it's 85 degrees. seriously.
Stop The Spray! Or as Al likes to say, "Say it. Don't spray it."
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
These are two things:
- I dubbed him the Head Photo-Blog-Oh-Tographer.
- I have a new found appreciation for "So You Think You Can Dance. You may scoff too. But three weeks ago I was really into "Step It Up and Dance". I am clearly improving.
We had some time to drive around. Neil took pictures. I got us lost. Mel told me that it is easy to get around here...(and i quote) "everything goes north/south and east/west".
These are two more things:
- what place on earth does not go "north/south and east/west"?
- don't you mean "up/down and right/left"?
if you click on them, i think they get bigger.

(license plate blurred to protect the guilty)
Monday, June 9, 2008
Life is but a stage
Staging is basically everything i can't stand in the world. It's all fluff. It is convincing me that 1475 is going to get snatched off the market in a second and it is also drawing me towards a house in Denver that has two fireplaces, of which maybe only one works, if not none. But it looks good! And my dogs won't shed there and we won't need a place for a TV, will we? I'll just sit in the hammock all day! mother f-ing staging. Fool me a million times, why don't you?
it's like being 15 (and 16-25) and falling for the bad boy all over again. i am useless. hopefully, someone who looks at 1475 will have the same problem. here are pictures that neil took on his marathon drive fest from denver to sf and back again. i'll have him guest-blog about it.
it's beautiful, isn't it?
the living room:

the master:

the guest:

the basement/man cave:

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Day 3
To make up for such a lame attempt at imposition, we were on tornado "watch", then on tornado "warning". "watch" means that conditions are ripe. "warning" means one has been spotted. Neil went to look at our basement today, just in case. Upon returning, he declared he isn't going back down there without a flashlight and a gun. Looks like I'll be in the bathtub come the doosey. I am wondering how we would fit all the pets in the bathtub, since the cargo van was so challenging...?
The yard is a gift from God. We finally have enough room to play fetch with the dogs. Fetch, people! You might think, "meh", and I wouldn't blame you. Think back to all of the times we had to head home because of the dogs...not so much now! It is so easy to exercise them. In turn, they are so tired that they really don't care when we leave the house for extended periods of time. Is it terrible that I hope they never get used to the altitude? As they say: A tired dog is a good dog. Thank god they don't say anything about lazy-ass dog owners.
some fun in the yard:
Having a web log implies that i may be interesting. I am probably not. sorry about that.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
touchdown-email to loved ones
Hey All,
We made it. There were times when we weren’t entirely convinced that we would. I would say that the deciding factor in our success was Neil’s ability to drive for ungodly lengths of time.
First off: you may think that you can fit a lot of things into a 12 person cargo van. Well, you can…fit THINGS. When a lot of your things have heartbeats, the packing becomes much more complicated. Neil got all tetris-y and utilized a lot of packing tape for stability and we somehow all fit. See pictures.
It was a beautiful trip. We saw some very clever graffiti along the salt flats. People gather dark colored rocks to spell out words along the highway in the white salt. It’s very “green”. There is a woman named Angela somewhere in Utah that has a lot of support from her rock wielding friends. “Go Angela!” One less than beautiful moment occurred as we entered Utah. Basically, we were almost blown off the road by what the signs call “strong wind”. This strong wind also almost took out a family in a U-Haul truck. I think “strong” was something of an understatement. Oh, and the signs were not in the proper area. I feel you should be informed of the hazard before said hazard almost pushes you down the embankment, but that is just me. It was actually quite scary and I might avoid that speck of I-80 at all costs for the rest of my life.
In all, it was 24 hours of driving due to the many doggy outings that were required. We slept 3 hours somewhere in the middle of all that time, luxuriously lounging in the van, in the cold.
Our place is a dump with a great yard, in a wonderful location. 6 blocks from the lake and 10 blocks from where the young moms push their strollers and drink coffee and buy organic cotton onesies. If you plan to visit, please do after we buy a house, or plan on staying in one of Denver’s many affordable hotels.
I saw some clouds that we don’t have in California. Neil grew up with them in Illinios and he missed them. Yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far. Today it will be in the high 70’s with thunder showers, which means more of the awesome clouds.
We’re off to go hang out with the moms and their onesies. We’ll keep you posted of any adventures worth noting. Please keep in touch.
Love to all of you.
Rebecca and neil