wait, i need to be more specific. These are two things Neil does not appreciate about me:
- I dubbed him the Head Photo-Blog-Oh-Tographer.
- I have a new found appreciation for "So You Think You Can Dance. You may scoff too. But three weeks ago I was really into "Step It Up and Dance". I am clearly improving.
Today was a get crap done day. I had a doctor's appointment, due to my hostile cervix. Not to worry, it has been tamed. Then we went to Bimmerhaus to get the BMW adjusted for the altitude. This is something you have to do when you have an old car. Now you (and I) know. All services were rendered by incredibly lovely people. I keep waiting for the one a-hole to bring me back down to my Familiar Bitter Earth. But no....Ob/Gyn has two large mutts herself! She had me laughing, speculum at the ready. And the BMW man announced "no charge" as i habitually dug out my credit card. What is this Denver, and why are its people so dreamy?
We had some time to drive around. Neil took pictures. I got us lost. Mel told me that it is easy to get around here...(and i quote) "everything goes north/south and east/west".
These are two more things:
- what place on earth does not go "north/south and east/west"?
- don't you mean "up/down and right/left"?
here are pictures from today:
if you click on them, i think they get bigger.
a street I like.
if you are drunk, call 777-7777

a building (i am helpful with my descriptions, yes?)

another building but this one has a lady walking in front of it.

this is a bicycle!

storm clouds from Sloan's Lake

Geese at Sloan's Lake

The house i have my eye on. I went tinkle there. lay off! it worked for 1475!

the street that "the house i have my eye on" is on


what everyone expects of denver:
(license plate blurred to protect the guilty)

I hate global warming and I'd like to give peace a chance. i think i will do these things here.
My vote counts in Denver.................................Bwahahahahhhahahahahah................................
until next time....xoxo
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