the last 7 days in denver have promised high 80's with thunderstorms in the afternoon. for six of those seven days, my little toolbar icon would say 93. i'd look outside and there wasn't a cloud to be seen. but if i went to weather.con, it still said a high of 80whatever and thunderstorms.
long story long: weather.con lies. it lies 10 days in advance and it lies on an hourly basis. now you know.
today, the blessed 7th day. highs in the 80s and thunderstorms. it may be perfection in a day. but it is not perfection in weather.con.
HOUSING UPDATE: (for those who read this for something besides a weather report). much has happened. but it is only relevant if something comes of it. you can pee in a toilet in a house you want and you can blogify about it for days, but only when you get the house do you actually Get The House. but here goes anyways......
we had some inspections done at the desired tinkle house (to be known as DTH going forward). First was a sewer line inspection. No go, folks. All of the beautiful trees have gone and rooted their way through the line. Lovely Sellers agreed to get the line derooted. Yay! Shouldn't take but an hour and really, no big deal.
The next morning we met the all around inspector, Jerry. Jerry looks like a midwest relative of Marky Mark, but not like Donny Whalberg. Go figure. We loved him. As we were there with Jerry, a bunch of men in reflective yellow vests showed up with a backhoe. Apparently the sewer line called for a bit more than a simple snaking. There was partial fence removal and sod overturning. There was a lot. Frankly, there was 11K worth of work to be done. And It Was Done. And it was a very very big deal.
Made me feel like a bit of an a-hole for wanting to complain about the sticky drawer in the built in.
Lovely Sellers are eager to sell. We are so eager to buy. Shanis *thinks* we might get 2 offers on SF house. Progress is happening, but again....none of it counts until it does. oh, and the all around inspection of DTH came up with very little. In fact, i think Neil was happy when things came up. He likes working on houses. weirdo.
Tomorrow we are going to see Shane's band play at Red Rocks.
They have this thing Friday nights where a band plays and then they show a movie. tomorrow's movie is Fight Club. Next week is Shaun of the Dead (see this movie if you haven't already done so!). It's an absolutely stunning venue so i think it should be quite fun. you know what would make it even better? Thunder storms. i'm just saying. and i am also saying that i will believe it when i see it, thank you very much.
Click on this and make it bigger. you can see the lightning in the bottom. this is what we watched from our back yard this evening:

this is just a really cool picture Neil took tonight:

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