I can't exactly explain my desperate need to go to whatever Pride parade i can get my hands on. or rather, i can. I remember my mom telling me The Secret that her great friend Ron was gay. I remember, at age 7, that there was something to hide about this man who i adored to no ends. to be honest, he was about the only father figure i had. this was way before anyone was "fabulous". it was a dirty dirty secret. It was before people started getting sick, when the secret became even dirtier. ron did get sick and he ran away when i was a teenager. but he came back for mom's memorial.....that's another story for another time.
i have no intention of preaching too much here. i just know that i love many straight people and i love many gay people. If there is a parade celebrating anyone that i love's equality, diversity, freedom, love and life, i'm there. it's not my fault that straight people are so unorganized that they can't even get an f-ing parade together.
It wasn't an SF Pride parade. It wasn't as flamboyant and it wasn't nearly as naked. we didn't see one single pair of nipples. But what we did see was a community figuring it out. Lots of democrats asking for votes. Lots of big companies announcing their acceptance (and admitting that gay money is just as good as straight money....hello Comcast). It was more political and less disco. it was lovely. and, as always, PFLAG made me bawl a teeny bit. as always, neil photoblogified for all of our enjoyment:

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