Staging is basically everything i can't stand in the world. It's all fluff. It is convincing me that 1475 is going to get snatched off the market in a second and it is also drawing me towards a house in Denver that has two fireplaces, of which maybe only one works, if not none. But it looks good! And my dogs won't shed there and we won't need a place for a TV, will we? I'll just sit in the hammock all day! mother f-ing staging. Fool me a million times, why don't you?
it's like being 15 (and 16-25) and falling for the bad boy all over again. i am useless. hopefully, someone who looks at 1475 will have the same problem. here are pictures that neil took on his marathon drive fest from denver to sf and back again. i'll have him guest-blog about it.
it's beautiful, isn't it?
the living room:

the master:

the guest:

the basement/man cave:

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