Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What did you do on your 9th birthday?

Matilda did this!:

She loooooves the sprinkler. i had dreams of preserving the lawns here at our lovely rental. The dreams died. Now our sprinkler is nothing but the raddest interactive dog toy evah. what can you do? the correct answer is "nothing".
So Matilda is nine years old today. or at least this is the birth date that was given to her when she was adopted. look at this radness!

Sooooo....9 years means i can no longer blame matilda's remaining bad habits on my mom's loose grasp on dog training. mom had matilda for 4+ years and now so have i. let's review! That barking crap she does? it's my fault now. The fact that Matilda still thinks she is a lap dog? that's Neil's fault! Okay, it's my fault, too. there has definitely been progress, as well. but i can't take credit for that, either. mostly it is just that Moose has mellowed her out. have you been mellowed out by moose yet? it looks like this:
he's one cozy mother f-er.

so, happy birthday matilda. you are a very good dog.

some more cool pics taken by our resident photographer:


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